Party San Open Air 2023 review

The album with ALL the pictures HERE

First of all, you have to know that our dear PartySan It is one of the most important festivals in Germany and Europe, organized continuously since 1996. This year it featured 58 bands that took to its two stages for three days. It continues to be made in the old military airport, having parts with asphalt and field. It has a wide culinary lineup with classics such as pizza, hamburgers, Far Eastern, Indian and even Afghan cuisine with average prices between 5-10 euros. Regarding drinks, they range between 3-4 euros per beer depending on the variety. This year there was also an Irish pub where you could drink whiskey at a good price. Wednesday is always preparty from 20.00 on the tent stage with metaldisco, serving also for the end of the following days and for the end of the festival party, being entertained by two local radio stations The New Noise and Hellborn Metal Radio offering music for all tastes. Each day begins and ends with the firing of cannons located on both sides of the main stage, one of them called In Esmiral. In a position near the main stage are the merchandising of the festival and the bands, along with their signatures. It also has a wide range of stands with all types of products related to metal, whether CDs, t-shirts, patches, etc. and some leisure. Behind the sound tower there are two tents where you can sit and have shade. Between the main stage and the tent there is about 3-5 minutes, where all the pearls of the scene are presented. underground. The application has information about both the bands and schedules, including also the departure and return times of the buses from the train station. Mühlhausen to the festival site, approximately 30 minutes round trip. The entire camping area is provided with bathrooms, both paid and plastic, which are usually decent. This year we had just a little rain on the last day without having to fight with the mud like in the Wacken. The only casualty of the cartel was MUSHROOM for health reasons. We are going to try to summarize this three-day download for you by dividing the main scenario or Mainstage and the tent or Tentstage Regarding the bands that we could see, although they normally coincided, they alternated a little.


We heard the opening sirens and cannon shots to start with some strange things for us, the young Poles of MENTOR that combine the attitude of hardcorepunk with influences blackmetal and thrash what they did in ¨We Dig¨, ¨Satan’s Snake-Handlers¨, ¨Equal in the Fire¨ O ¨Fed After Midnight¨, this festival start is quite good. The Swedes followed them ORBIT CULTURE who are a new force within the deathmetal melodic with fast riffs that sometimes border a little on the thrash as we saw in some of his songs ¨The Shadowing¨, ¨Vultures of North¨, ¨Wings of Dragons¨ O ¨Saw¨.Fairly good. Now one of the bands that represent us in this edition, given that this year we have a few which is great, coming from Albacete the A STATELESS ANGEL. Brothers Left and company representing the thrash at their best they made those present sweat with their demolition show by ¨Bleed the Crown¨, ¨Indoctrinate¨, ¨One of Us¨, ¨Violent Dawn¨, ¨We Stand Alone¨, ¨Give ‘Em War¨, ¨Sharpen the Guillotine¨ O ¨You Are Next¨. By the way, there were quite a few t-shirts and a long line of fans at the time of signing, great guys!!! With deathmetal from Arizona they arrive GATECREEPER making it sound old school. These guys are pretty good who has two Splits shared with Iron Reagan O Exhumed. The Canadians ARCHSPIRE They have a combination of very fast killer vocal speed with the musical ability to technical deathmetal. They gave us a summary of their various albums on the market with ¨Calamus Will Animate¨, ¨Remote Tumour Seeker¨, ¨Involuntary Doppelgänger¨ O ¨Drone Corpse Aviator¨. These are also very good. Coming from Melbourne, a band that can also be said to be already legendary and a favorite of the relentless public within the blackthrash. DESTROYER 666 with K.K. Warslut in the lead they make an exhausting live explosion between skulls of goats and rams with their songs ¨Never Surrender¨, ¨Wildfire¨, ¨A Breed Apart¨, ¨I Am the Wargod (Ode to the Battle Slain)¨, ¨Pitch Black Night¨, ¨Trialed by Fire¨, ¨Lone Wolf Winter¨ O ¨Satanic Speed Metal¨ with that cocky attitude to finish a destruction that sounded perfect. After the previous download, this Swedish band from deathmetal, despite the fact that in recent years they have been bordering on gothicmetal, TRIBULATION. We verify that they are still in shape after the loss of Jonathan Hultén since his new signing Joseph Tholl As a guitarist it is a success. Have Hamartia just released a few months ago from which they played the cut of the same name along with ¨Nightbound¨, ¨Melancholia¨ O ¨Strange Gateways Beckon¨ among others. Good concert predecessor of what followed. We begin the trio of legendary American bands to close this day with NILE and his lyrics inspired by legends, religion and art of Ancient Egypt, among his repertoire were ¨Sacrifice Unto Sebek¨, ¨Defiling the Gates of Ishtar¨, ¨Kafir!¨, ¨Call to Destruction¨, ¨Vile Nilotic Rites¨, ¨In the Name of Amun¨ and ¨Black Seeds of Vengeance¨. The pity is that it had to be shortened due to technical problems, although they are wonderful live. Now a classic was playing within the deathmetal since '87 from Florida DEICIDE with the lord Glen Benton, who seems to have gotten the 33 thing out of his head (joking aside), they were coming to do a set of their album Legion to which they added some of their best-known songs. Rumbling were ¨Repent to Die¨, ¨Trifixion¨, ¨Behead the Prophet (No Lord Shall Live)¨, ¨In Hell I Burn¨, ¨Revocate the Agitator¨, ¨Once Upon the Cross¨, ¨When Satan Rules His World¨, ¨They Are the Children of the Underworld¨, ¨Scars of the Crucifix¨, ¨Dead by Dawn¨, ¨Homage for Satan¨. Good voice and execution to make it clear that they are greats of the genre. We closed the triplet with the first headliner, the deathers southerners OBITUARY. Let us remember that they began by calling each other Executioner back in '84 the brothers John y Donald Tardy. Here once again they demonstrated with their performance that not only are their albums exclusively good, but also that their songs are just as powerful live. As a test ¨Redneck Stomp¨, ¨Sentence Day¨, ¨A Lesson in Vengeance¨, ¨ Visions in My Head¨, ¨The Wrong Time¨, ¨Barely Alive¨, ¨Slow Death¨, ¨Find the Arise¨, ¨Weaponize the Hate¨, ¨My Will to Live¨, the known ¨Chopped in Half / Turned Inside Out¨, to continue with the echo of a War being evident its¨War¨, ¨Dying of Everything¨, ¨I’m in Pain¨ to end with ¨Slowly We Rot¨ how not!!! A great closing for this first day.


Today we have a triplet here with bands from our country that are very dear to us. We begin among smoke atmospheric deathmetal strongly influenced by blackmetal with EXIT. They demonstrated their quality with several cuts from their first work released last year called The Pacification of Deathof and its demos. At his voice, Spinning, already an eminence and who would later go out again with Graveyard. Great concert. There were many people in the tent with the Galicians BALMOG and his staff blackmetal created to cross the boundaries of darkness with vocal wails. It's been a long time since their demo The Discipline & Poetry of Pest from 2006 until his last job Covenants of Salt this year, but surely with topics like ¨Hodegetria¨, ¨Der Flvche¨ or ¨Desacougo¨ plus the others, moved a dedicated audience. It's a shame not to be able to see their entire show, we'll wait until Burgorefest. To close the triplet by once again having Mr. Spinning and with heart-stopping covers GRAVEYARD. Deathmetal of the highest quality sounded, demonstrating with a review of an extensive career without leaving out themes of Into The Mausoleum 2007. Another ten for this band's live performance, this being the fourth time that the Catalans are at this festival. From Italy the band HELSLAVE also of deathmetal who showed us that they have nothing to envy of their Scandinavian idols with their energetic live performance, even if there were few people. MORBIFIC They came to teach us their songs like ¨Ominous Seep of Putridity¨, ¨Cadaveric Maggot Farm¨ and ¨Bind, Torture, Snuff¨ql deathmetaThe Finn finds many followers in the extreme and we are not surprised. Now to close some classics from Berlin arrive POSTMORTEM who have also played here in several editions. The themes sounded strong and forceful ¨Are You Dead¨, ¨Hate, Kill, Destroy¨, ¨Lobotomy¨ O ¨Revolution¨ among their repertoire for a tent packed with crazy fans. This closes a great day at this Festival!! Now it's time to sleep, but not before a little Discocarpa…



With cannon shots, of course!!! They jump BRUTAL SPHINCTER If you have doubts about the musical orientation of the Belgians, they will be dispelled when you see toilet brushes, inflatable objects and colorful costumes. Between circles and congas they sounded ¨The Art of Squirting¨, ¨Marc Dutroux National Hero¨, ¨Make Goregrind Great Again¨ O ¨Prohibit Anime¨ giving rise to various dances with this deathmetal/goregrind. Too early for melodic deathmetal run by the Australians BE´LAKOR. His clean tunes that contrast with the voice of George Kosmas in a show developed to perfection with which they are earning a good reputation in Europe, which we verify here with ¨Venator¨, ¨Abeyance¨, ¨Valence¨ O ¨Countless Skies¨ being part of their setlist. The END SEEKER from Hamburg they are going strong thanks to the experience acquired in recent years not only because of the high-pitched voice of their singer Lenny, but to its mixture with riffs brutal guitar, as in ¨Hell Is Here¨, that couldn't be more appropriate or ¨Merciless Tide¨, ¨Bloodline¨ and ¨Possessed by the Flame¨ for a oldschool deathmetal with catchy choruses of hard-hitting rhythms combined with a pretty good stage performance. With expectation we waited for YOTH WOULD the Greek band formed by Dimitris Patsouris ¨Jim Mutilator¨ and GeorgeZacharopoulos ¨The Magus¨ who were part of Necromantia, Rotting Christ O Varathron in the mid-90s. The name comes from a demon angel who follows them… Their notable debut in 2021 called As the Flame Withers We enjoyed it practically entirely ¨Yoth Iria¨, ¨Hermetic Code¨, ¨The Red Crown Turns Black¨, ¨The Great Hunter¨, ¨The Luciferian¨, ¨Sid Ed Djinn¨ this one from his previous EP and as a note ¨Visions of the Dead Lovers¨ of Rotting Christ. Great concert with an anecdote about the microphone breaking on its journey from the stage to the audience. It's time for the cannons from Bamberg to drive us back to the First World War by GUN FEVER. Although he has not been training for long, in recent months he has managed to become one of the best live performers who leave their mark. They come out dressed in military suits and masks, having a large zeppelin in the background plus the preparation of a trench. They gained more fans than before the presentation with their warlike songs. ¨The Fusilier¨, ¨The Baptism of Fire¨, ¨Fat Bertha¨, ¨The Battle of Tannenberg¨ O ¨The Yankee Division March¨. You should keep them in mind if you like German lyrics about historical chapters of the war and blackmetal. Speaking of this style the following were URGEHAL, already passed through here in 2012 with their tour to pay tribute to Trondr is wrong founder of the band who died that same year. Formed by original members and close friends, they came out equipped with masks, paint, spikes and attitude with two vocalists. They left us a concert blackmetal in pure Nordic style with ¨Goatcraft Torment¨, ¨Antireligiøs¨, ¨Dødsmarsj til helvete¨, ¨Satanic Black Metal in Hell¨, ¨Nekromisantrop¨, ¨Stesolid Self-Destruction to Damnation¨, ¨The Necessity of Total Genocide (Snippet)¨, ¨The Eternal Eclipse¨ and ¨Mirror Satan¨. From Denmark the mythical ILLDISPOSED They came to vindicate their position within the genre with the themes ¨Weak is Your God¨, ¨Throw Your Bolts¨, ¨I Believe in Me¨ O ¨Dark¨, we saw the wonderful typical deathmetal taking into account his long career, having as his last album Reveal Your Soul for the Dead 2019. It was the turn of the hooded band of the charismatic leader Athenar. MIDNIGHT Over the years they have become one of the strongest in the genre, making it a true pleasure to listen to and see them live. This day his acquaintances rang ¨All Hail Hell¨, ¨Fucking Speed and Darkness¨, ¨Black Rock’n’Roll¨, ¨Szex Witchery¨, ¨Satanic Royalty¨, ¨Evil Like a Knife¨, ¨You Can’t Stop Steel¨, ¨T.A.P.¨ andUnholy and Rotten¨ between jumps and contortions on the part of his incombustible companion, getting down to greet, high-fiving, the entire front row of an enthusiastic audience. Another great show. From Poland DECAPITATED with a brutaldeathmetal highly technical since '96, belonging to those bands that do not allow themselves to be defeated. With Rafał Piotrowski to the head and his long spinning dreadlocks gave us war with ¨Cancer Culture¨, ¨Just a Cigarette¨, ¨Earth Scar¨, ¨Last Supper¨, ¨Silence¨, ¨Day 69¨, ¨Spheres of Madness¨, ¨Nine Steps¨, ¨Never¨ It is ¨Iconoclast¨, being as good as ever. The space of MUSHROOM he occupied it GRAVE MIASMA who come from their dusty London crypt to move their concert from the tent to the main stage, something that would make them happy, to summarize a little their strong dark essence with the themes ¨Gnosis of the Summon¨, ¨Guardians of Death¨, ¨Erudite Decomposition¨, ¨Eschatos¨, ¨Glorification of the Impure¨ O ¨This Tomb Is My Altar¨ between fire and looks red. We return to America with DYING FETUS. John Gallagher, Sean Beasley and Trey Williams Their highly technical, complex themes were marked and not only on a compositional level in a setlist with ¨One Shot, One Kill¨, ¨Subjected to a Beating¨, ¨We Are Your Enemy¨, ¨Unbridled Fury¨, ¨Grotesque Impalement¨, ¨Compulsion for Cruelty¨, ¨Praise the Lord (Opium of the Masses)¨, ¨Your Treachery Will Die With You¨, ¨From Womb to Waste¨, ¨Wrong One to Fuck With¨ to finish this download with ¨Celebration¨ of Kool & the Gang as a fun note while they were picking up. Swedish HYPOCRISY are the second headliner and have recently been very busy touring with Septicflesh. His best-known songs and some from his new album Worship They closed this festival day from ¨Fractured Millennium¨, ¨Impotent God¨, ¨Mind Corruption¨, ¨Adjusting the Sun¨, ¨Eraser¨, ¨Chemical Whore¨, ¨Weed Out the Weak¨, ¨Don’t Judge Me¨, ¨Children of the Gray¨, ¨Inferior Devoties¨, ¨Fire in the Sky¨, ¨War-Path¨, ¨The Final Chapter¨, ¨The Gathering¨ and as ¨Roswell 47¨. It goes without saying that Peter Tägtgren and company were brutal, sounding pretty good this time. Second day of the festival closed for everything big.


This day we would have from Portland with a sepulchral voice to SPIRIT POSSESSION being one of the best exports of blackmetal warring with songs from their two albums Spirit Possession of 2020 and Of the Sign… of this year. To continue with the darkness of HORNS OF DOMINATION from German lands demonstrating it with cuts of Where Voices Leave No Echo. VIRCOLAC they arrived with atmospheric deathmetal raw and boisterous from the green hell of Ireland being quite good. The Berlin band DROWNED has been part of the scene underground German for three decades just having the The Idol of the Cave from a few years ago, apart from many demos, but converted over the years into an institution of violent deathmetal of the old school that they certified that day. The sound of CONCRETE WINDS from Finland was as dark live as on their albums Primitive Force and Nerve Butcherer. The Americans BLACK CURSE They have created a true masterpiece of blackdeath with Endless Wound and they backed up their great reputation here live. From the ashes of Necros Christos a force arises to penetrate you with a sinister deaththrashmetal old school loaded with energy and darkness called SERGEANT. They have Basque-German training, Painted Gericke He is in charge of vocals and bass along with two Basque musicians Storm Garmendia on guitars and Ivan Hernandez on the drums, they came for us to check it out through their demo songs Angel of the Eastern Gate of 2019 or his only work to date Sumerian Promises from a few years ago to close today.

Well, there's nothing better than going to the Discoparty…..



With the cannon shots to warn us that the last day was beginning, they left ATOMWINTER who have been doing their thing in the underground German since 2010 with 3 albums in the best style of powerful deathmetal in ¨Catacombs¨, ¨Sakrileg¨ O ¨The Dark Void¨ which were some of the songs to start this day on the main stage. The FROZEN SOUL They are forceful like everything that makes the new wave of deathmetal Americans, the Texans impressively demonstrated why they belong with the forceful ¨Merciless¨, ¨Arctic Stranglehold¨, ¨Crypt of Ice¨ O ¨Arsenal of War¨ from his recently released album called Glacial Domination And although everything revolves around the cold, they warmed the atmosphere here. turn of SPECTRAL WOUND from the dark vaults of Canada making it clear that the blackmetal It doesn't necessarily have to come from Scandinavia to be really good. With attitude on stage and a good execution of songs like ¨Soul Destroying Black Debauchery¨, ¨Frigid and Spellbound¨, ¨Diabolic Immanence¨ o ¨Slaughter of the Medusa¨ and even though they had some technical problem. Now came a postblackmetal under dark clouds and rain in keeping with its name, TROUBLE from Austria describes the music of this depressive but beautiful new school project quite well by their melancholic albums with ¨The Last March¨, ¨Ballad of Death¨, ¨Between Summer and Autumn¨, ¨Breath¨ among other. The Americans SKINLESS in the name of brutaldeathmetal They are among the worst in their profession due to their career. They did not stop when reviewing it ¨The Optimist¨, ¨Crispy Kids¨, ¨Tampon Lollipops¨ and Sherwood Webber delighting his fans with a cowboy hat included. Now, crudely, the IMPIETY. Formed in the 90s, representing one of the darkest powers in the world. warmetal which is what was not missing on this day. Among its topics were ¨At War With Temujin¨, ¨Christfuckingchrist¨ O ¨Azazel¨ adorned with flames of fire. The Americans IMMOLATION They have already left their works for posterity. The structure and composition of the songs on their albums is clearly based on technical hardness, which is already transmitted from 2017 with Atonement O Dawn of Possession from 1991. Through ¨An Act of God¨, ¨The Age of No Light¨, ¨Harnessing Ruin¨, ¨Despondent Souls¨, ¨Blooded¨, ¨World Agony¨, ¨Destructive Currents¨ o ¨Providence¨, they left us their perfect show Robert Vigna with his special way of playing riffs almost aerial in harmony with the voice of Ross Dolan. The FINALLY has become, against all odds, one of the greats of the german black metal and enjoys a good reputation internationally. Although 9 years have passed since their last album, the band demonstrated their qualities live to the audience with ¨Dominanz¨, ¨Endstilles Reich¨, ¨Ripping Angelflesh¨, ¨Conquest Is Atheism¨, ¨Sick Heil¨, ¨AnomieAbstract/Depressive/Banished/Despised¨, ¨Bastard¨, ¨Frühlingserwachen¨ and ¨Unburied In The Sun¨ for a devastating concert. Formed in 95 from Bergen BORKNAGAR It is considered a project all stars given that a large number of talents from the blackmetal being indefinable by combining genres. They lightly balanced the folk, vikingprogressiveblackmetal by composition and the perfect mastery of instruments as we hear in ¨The Fire That Burns¨, ¨Frostrite¨, ¨The Rhymes of the Mountain¨, ¨Up North¨, ¨Voices¨, ¨Colossus¨, ¨Ruins of the Future¨ O ¨The Dawn of the End¨ to end the great ¨Winter Thrice¨. They were pretty good. The Canadians KATAKLYSM already as a legendary band of deathmetal They had that harsh and then melodic energy with a clear rhythmic edge of inescapable force live for the public with songs within their repertoire such as ¨Thy Serpents Tongue¨, ¨Bringer of Vengeance¨, ¨At the Edge of the World¨, ¨The Ambassador of Pain¨, ¨Narcissist¨, ¨Soul Destroyer¨, ¨In Shadows & Dust¨ O ¨Outsider¨, being correct and in line. The final headliner and last concert before saying goodbye to this edition is one of the legends of the metal viking and for many one of the best. ENSLAVED They came to play their classic album Vikingligr Veldi practically entirely with other topics. Together with his colleagues and his 50 years Grutle Kjellson gave an incredible vocal and stage performance in ¨Livandi lif under hamri¨, ¨Vetrarnótt¨, ¨Midgards Eldar¨, ¨Heimdallr¨, ¨Norvegr¨, ¨793 (Slaget om Lindisfarne)¨, all between big, bright runic letters for a memorable ending.


Around 10:00 and with quite an audience the two cover tribute bands, SPEARHEAD a Bolt Thrower and CHAOS AND CONFUSION a Hypocrisy reviewing the big themes of both. The Austrians did not start until 3:20 p.m. TABULA RASA who came to show us their blackened heavymetal/punk as specified through what little we could see of ...And their terrible songs his recently released album. We now have a band of heavymetal young and fresh, the Germans THE NIGHT ETERNAL with at the head demonstrating with its launch a few years ago Moonlit Cross who want to be at the forefront and several of their topics such as ¨Between the Worlds¨, ¨In Tartarus¨, ¨Shadow’s Servants¨, ¨Elysion (Take Me Over)¨, ¨Stars Guide My Way¨ and close ¨Moonlit Cross¨ but not before getting down to the front row of a dedicated audience. The STORM KEEP They come out with a cape and a kind of armor underneath their vocalist plus the keyboard player with a witch's hat... mix of blackmetal with epic catchy keyboard rhythms that reminded us of some other band in their songs ¨The Seer¨, ¨A Journey Through Storms¨, ¨Sound Technician Hydrating¨ O ¨Eternal Majesty Manifest¨, curious Germans WOUND They enjoy a reputation for the circumstances surrounding their last performance in 2013. Deathmetal forceful and that's how they sounded that afternoon. The solo project of Meilenwald It is without a doubt one of the absolute institutions of the blackdoom German. THE RUINS OF BEBERAST They offered us in a brusque, obstinate and at the same time beautiful way themes such as ¨Rapture¨, ¨Therial-Baal-Theriak¨ O ¨Ropes into Eden¨. CONCRETE WINDS from Finland they had a harsh, dark, cruel and almost violently primitive sound making clear what they have been doing for years with ¨Noise Trepanation¨ OPrimitive ForceandNerve Butcherer¨ which give the title to two of his works.

We close PartySan 2023 with a mini fireworks show and strong cannon shots from the tanks to say goodbye at the Metal Disco of Tentstage with a closing speech, but not before giving everything at the end with Abba. congratulations on those 12,000 euros collected for the children's hospice. We will see each other again next year!!!!


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