StaticAge News

Storm Crusher Festival 2015

#News #Live
Ort: Wiesau, Deutsland Datum: 17-20.09. 2015 Redakteur: Benner Fotograf: Fani Nadki Die Jubliäumsausgabe des Storm Crusher Festivals, welches vom 17.-20.9.2015 stattfand lockte geschätzte 1000 Metalheads nach Wiesau, wo der Stormcrusher e.V. zum mittlerweile 5. Mal zum Tanz lud. Uns zuvor noch unbekannt, bot sich der Termin als Ausklang der Festivalsaison an, so dass die dritte Festivalentjungferung dieses Jahres schnell beschlossene Sache war. Was wir erlebten, was Besucher wissen sollten – hier die wichtigsten Infos...

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Que poco queda para la gira del año! SLAYER, ANTHRAX & KVELERTAK!

Tras publicar su nuevo disco “Repentless” este mismo mes, SLAYER actuará en nuestro país junto a ANTHRAX  y a KVELERTAK  para ofrecernos una de las giras más esperadas del otoño. Al principio, cuando no existían planes ni caminos establecidos, SLAYER asaltó el mundo con su nuevo híbrido de metal y punk. Más heavies, más rápidos y más oscuros que los demás, Slayer estableció el nuevo patrón que otros países seguirían después. Slayer es la banda con la que...

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Hammercult Tour 2015

Two years have passed since Israeli thrash metal act Hammercult released their album "Steelcrusher". Two years during which not only the whole world but also the international metal scene have changed. Hammercult have stayed abreast of those changes: more than ever before, the band impress with their broad stylistic range, increasingly allowing – along with their unmistakable strengths – influences from the punk, hardcore and traditional heavy metal genres. The result is entitled "Built For War", a true, intoxicating thrash...

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Annihilator – Touring Europe in 2015

Legendary Canadian thrash/heavy metal masters Annihilator release their brand new (and 15th!) studio album, “SUICIDE SOCIETY”, on September 18th, 2015 via UDR Music, worldwide! And JEFF WATERS Returns To Lead Vocals!!! And they are out for blood: Annihilator hit Europe in 2015! Of course, their Europe In The Blood Tour takes Jeff Waters, Oscar Rangel, Aaron Homma and Mike Harshaw to Germany, too – explosive moshpits and banging heads guaranteed! Annihilator – Europe In The Blood...

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CARCASS - play »Deathcrusher Tour 2015« alongside NAPALM DEATH, OBITUARY, VOIVOD and HEROD this fall!

Disinterred British Extreme Metal legends CARCASS are proud to announce that they will be playing the highly anticipated »Deathcrusher Tour 2015« alongside NAPALM DEATH, OBITUARY, VOIVOD and HEROD. This vociferous line-up will be hitting Europe this fall. CARCASS main man Jeff Walker had to say on the announcement: “Off the back of touring the U.S. with OBITUARY and Australia and New Zealand with NAPALM DEATH we thought it would be cool to combine both tours into something special…and given...

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Party San Open Air 2016: Three new Bookings

The ticket pre-sale starts October 1st! Be quick and get a early bird shirt for free + you can choose from different tickets bundles!!!         Origin: Style: Thrash Metal Roots: Tank, Slayer, Exciter Homepage: added on: 18.09.2015 We are more then pleased to announce the booking of the mighty Bay Area Thrash Metal titans EXODUS. Formed in 1981 by singer Paul Baloff,...

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Vladek, campaña crowdfunding

  VLADEK nos envia el siguiente comunicado de prensa:     La banda alicantina de Black Metal Sinfónico Vladek después de un tiempo intentando grabar por sus propios medios sin éxito su primer álbum que se llamará "Absolute Darkness", se han decantado por hacerlo mediante una campaña crowdfunding para lograro.    Para ello se han servido de las redes sociales que detallaremos a continuación para difundirlo, en la que han subido la...

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PUTREVORE advance song, cover art and tracklist revealed!!

 The new collection of rotting anthems by PUTREVORE, is ready to be unleashed upon mankind!! "Tentacles of Horror" is the title of this 3rd opus which shows the band heavier and more putrid than ever before (if that's possible!).  This time, "Tentacles of Horror" was completely mixed & mastered by Dave Rotten at his own Sanctuary Studios. achieving a truly heavy, thick and putrefact sound. Cover artwork was done once again by the awesome artist Juanjo Castellano creating...

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ROGASH (Death Metal, Germany)

#News #Extreme&Underground #CD
              Country of origin: Germany Location: Jena, Thuringia Status: Active Formed in: 2009 Genre: Death Metal Lyrical themes: War, Death, Social Issues ROGASH Current label: War Anthem Records Years active: 2009-present Discography: Rogan Era EP 2010   Supremacy Undone Full-length 2014   ...

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Gasteiz Calling 2015

#News #Live
Lugar: Gasteiz, Euskal Herria Fecha: 5 de Septiembre de 2015 Redactor: Txema Garay Fotógrafa: Fani Nadki Primera edición del Gasteiz Calling, un festival que reúne a lo más granado de la escena punk rock y que se antoja como una fecha a marcar en rojo por todos los amantes del género.  El certamen ha reunido una buena representación de bandas emblemáticas en sus diferentes eslabones y sienta buen precedente a futuro. Liderados indiscutiblemente por...

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